Course Outline
Schedule & Fees
Course Methodology
The course uses a mix of interactive techniques, such as brief presentations by the consultant and participants, role plays (rehearsed and impromptu), playback of videotaped performances and individual and group feedback.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Define and understand the different sources of conflict
- Identify personal conflict resolution styles
- Apply influencing skills and explore relationships with others
- Manage conflict in teams and engage in effective team problem solving
- Use the different bases of power and change them according to the situation
- Practice different strategies of winning the hearts and minds of people
Target Audience
Business professionals who want to expand their conflict resolution skills, understand their own emotions and behaviors, and find productive ways to manage conflict with influence, even when authority is lacking.
Target Competencies
- Proactive listening
- Handling rejections
- Leading others
- Situation analysis
- Problem solving
- Self -assessment
- Sensitivity to others
- Understanding motivational needs
- Customer orientation
Definitions of conflict
- Nature and scope of conflict management
- Misconceptions about conflict
- Sources of conflict
- Positive and negative factors of conflict
- When conflict comes between you and your desired results
Thomas Kilmann conflict resolution mode instrument
- Scoring and interpretation
- Ways of coping with conflict
- Assumptions and outcome of conflict
- Managing conflict and using an appropriate style for more effective outcomes
- Approaches to conflict resolution
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Assumptions in disagreement
- Creating a collaborative work environment for faster and better results
Influencing others in a problem solving context
- The use of emotional intelligence in conflict management
- Working effectively with team members
- Managing emotions, information and problems
- Tips for effective day to day conflict management
- Resolving conflict before it gets out of hand
- Managing conflict with superiors and subordinates
- Getting better results through negotiation
- Establishing or regaining credibility so you can begin to influence people
- Achieving trust down and across the organization
Importance of teamwork
- Managing conflict in teams
- Dealing with dysfunctional team roles
- Enhancing communication in a team
- Effective team problem solving
- Approaches to conflict and pattern of escalation
Influence inventory (power bases)
- Definitions of influence and the bases of power
- Changing the bases of power
- Persuading others by using your power bases
- Identifying ways to build relationships upward, downward and laterally within your organization
- Understanding the person you are trying to influence and persuading them through give and take
- Selling your ideas and implementing change successfully
- Influencing people while projecting self confidence without being pushy
- Strategies for developing charismatic qualities
- Leadership training for influence and power
The art of changing hearts, minds and actions
- Influence and the psychology of persuasion
- The power to change anything
- Action plan for developing your conflict resolution skills and influence from anywhere in the organization
Kampala (Uganda)
2025-09-22 | $2100
| 2026-06-22 | $1995