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Certified Training Courses

Basel III, Risk Assessment and Stress Testing

Why Attend

This course is designed as an intermediate level in-depth look at the key provisions of the Basel III regulatory framework, the ongoing risk assessment practice within banks, and the vital role of stress testing. 

Upon completion, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of internal risk assessment as required under Basel III and especially with reference to the ICAAP process.

There will be an in-depth analysis of why stress testing is vitally important to financial institutions, how to conduct stress testing, and why financial regulators are so preoccupied with stress testing in the post 2008 financial environment.

In particular there will be an analytical examination of the kinds of scenarios that can lead to extraordinary credit losses, operational losses, and liquidity stress and can even threaten the survival of financial institutions.


Course Outline

Schedule & Fees

Course Methodology

This course will cover a wide range of learning methods including explanatory slides, case studies, and detailed examination of Excel models in an interactive workshop style environment.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  •  Develop a deep understanding of the key elements within the Basel III regulatory framework
  •  Understand the key metrics and procedures for assessing credit risk, market risk and operational risk
  •  Understand the vital importance of stress testing as the cornerstone of risk management
  •  Apply analytical skills for the identification of concentration of credit risk, concentration of funding risk, and systemic liquidity risk
  •  Develop and formulate procedures and policies with respect to the best practice implementation of stress modeling and associated risk management protocols

Target Audience

This course is suitable for all those working in the banking industry, as well as wealth managers, auditors, and treasury and product control professionals.

Target Competencies

  •  Regulation compliance
  •  Scenario generation
  •  Stress testing - methodological issues
  •  Best practice implementation of stress modeling
  •  Thought leadership

Ottawa (Canada)2025-08-18$6975
Washington DC
Washington DC (USA)2026-06-15$6975